Well October was a very busy month as you will see below. I had to take Shadow in for his regular Vet visit. He had all of his shots and blood work done for the year. I am happy to say that he is in good health for being 12 years old.
Lucky's Hurt Paw!!!!
Now last week I had a shock, my cat Lucky is never sick but this time she had a hurt foot. I am still not sure what happened but I think Kayla might have stepped on her foot and her toe nail got caught between Lucky's toes and cut it. It was very swollen for a day and then started to bleed. I took her to the Vets for him to check just to make sure nothing serious was going on. Well I decided while she was there I would have her blood work done since she has not been to the Vets since she was 5 and now she is 17. I know me bad for not taking her all those years. The way I see it she is an indoor cat and she has been doing fine for all these years then why take her in. I am sure a few folks are going to be a little unhappy with me about that. I have had her since she was 5 weeks old when she was left in the middle of a road in a box to fend for herself. She has been spayed and her front claws have been declawed. (I do know if I get another cat in the future I will never have them declawed again). I guess my point is I know how she is and when I need to take them in for a visit I will do so in a heart beat.
Now back to the visit. She did very well at the doctors office she was not scared at all. She purred the whole time and let them touch her foot, take blood and weigh her. She weighed a good 9 pounds.
The doctor gave her some antibiotics and I had him wrap her foot up, so the dogs would not bother her little foot. Well let me tell you, if I knew what a good wrap job the doctor was going to do I would not have had him do it. It took 2 days to get that wrapping off her foot. First I had to take the white tape off the top. I pulled gently as possible, but I still pulled out her hair. OUCH!!
So I then cut as far down on the rest of the wrapping as possible, by now Lucky was a very unhappy cat. I mean she was PO'd. Now on top of that the next day I had to give her the liquid medicine. Right like that was going to happen. That did not work out either. I gave that up for the day and went and got some pills instead. I thought I had a better chance to get them down her. I then began again on the wrapping around her foot. So I cut down some more in the front to ware if she just flipped her foot it would come off. I got it to work and when it came off, again she was not at all happy. another OUCH!! I let her settle down and then gave her her pill. It worked out much better this time.
I took her yesterday for her weeks checkup. The only thing that I was very worried about was that she was not eating very well. Her foot looked good and was healing well. The doctor and I thought it might be the medicine upsetting her tummy so we took her off her medicine and I bought some canned food to see if she would eat that (she eats dry food normally). Well today a success she is eating the canned food and doing very well. All of her blood work tests came back great. She is my normal healthy 17 year old cat.

Kayla was a little sick with something over the weekend, but she is now back to her crazy little self. I am not sure what her problem was. I am just happy that she is doing great. She goes for her yearly visit to the Vets in December. I will have had all three checked from top to bottom and all three in very good health!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Teddies Worldwide Holiday Online Bear Show
Please visit November 15th for a sneak preview of the first Teddies Worldwide Online Holiday bear show. Now you can check out all of the Artists who will be in the show!!!!!!
Click the banner for a visit.

What's this in my Window?????

I am sure he will be back again.
Trunk or Treat for Halloween
Our neighborhood group and the church across the street from me had a Trunk or Treat this year for the kids on Halloween. Here are a few photos of all the ghost and goblins.
This is the first year for me to decorate my car. This is the back of my car that I made into a scary graveyard. I went shopping the day before to pick up a few more items and then used a few things I already had. Not bad if I have to say so myself.
Again this is the back of my car. I liked the witch flying decoration. It was haft price too. It was fun shopping 2 days before Halloween I got all kinds of discounts. Now that's the way to shop!!!!!!!!!!
This little guy is a dragon. He was cute!!! I just love the little ones.
Here is our neighborhood bumble bee girl!!!
I really had a good time. I do not get many kids that come to my house, because I am so close to the main road. They normally go as far as the church across the street from me and go back down the street. So it was nice to see the trick or treaters. There were about 60 kids or more that came.
Just wanted to fill everyone in on the Bears and Bud's URSA awards 2010 from October. I am very proud and excited to say that my Dakota Bear has won 1st place in his category this year. What a very big honor for me to have been apart of this event.
Trunk or Treat for Halloween
Our neighborhood group and the church across the street from me had a Trunk or Treat this year for the kids on Halloween. Here are a few photos of all the ghost and goblins.

I really had a good time. I do not get many kids that come to my house, because I am so close to the main road. They normally go as far as the church across the street from me and go back down the street. So it was nice to see the trick or treaters. There were about 60 kids or more that came.
I will have to do this again next year. Now how can I improve on my graveyard...........
URSA AWARDSJust wanted to fill everyone in on the Bears and Bud's URSA awards 2010 from October. I am very proud and excited to say that my Dakota Bear has won 1st place in his category this year. What a very big honor for me to have been apart of this event.
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