Well we have received about 7 inches of snow yesterday and now the temperature is dropping like a rock. I really don't mind the snow so much but the cold I hate. I dislike it even more for my two babies. They both love going outside but they seem to want to stay out after they have done there business. I have a hard time getting them to come back in anyway no matter if it is hot or cold. I went out this morning to shovel the deck off to give them a path and then I was going to shovel the driveway after that. While cleaning the deck the dogs were playing in the snow which is always cute to watch. I had just finished up and was getting ready to come in and I turned around and Shadow was already in distress. His feet were so cold that I could not get him on the deck. I tried to grab him but he kept turning around and backing up away from me and the deck. I finally got him, but by now he really could not walk, so he just sat down. I know that it does not take long for frost bite to set in and I have heard terrible stories about dogs frozen to the ground.
OMG now I am in panic mode. I finally got him to the deck and pushed him up so he was out of the snow. I finally got him in the house and on the rug in the kitchen. As you can see from all of my photos he is not a small dog, he weighs 75 lbs that I can not lift. Kayla I can lift up and carry her in. This does happen every winter when it snows it is either Shadow or Kayla with the cold feet. They stand out there for just a minute to long and then are too cold to walk. They just hold there feet up one at a time. Most of the time I can get them to come to the door and get them in the house. This time was the worst I have ever had happened and now the last. Thank goodness he was alright. After I settled myself down from shear panic, I went out and shoveled the drive well about half of it. I went out later and finished it.
Now it is time for me to act on the frozen paws scare. I was going to go out and buy some
doggie boots, but I thought maybe someone had a free pattern on the Internet. Bingo I found a couple of patterns. I gathered my supplies, fleece, ultra suede, Velcro and a few more items and went to work. I was not sure how this was going to go, but I do not think I did too bad for a quick job after all looks did not matter in this time of need. Now the true test was to come "Will he wear them". Lets see with a lot of cookies and praise - Oh yes he did wear them!!!!! I have such a good boy. They do need to be a bit longer and I think a little more stylish
LOL but they really worked very well.

Check out the new
stylin snow boots Dude!!! Where's mine Mom?

" Please take my picture too!!! I am such a pretty girl".
Kayla was not getting her attention today so she just sat down in front of me while I was taking photos of Shadow.

Look everyone my Mom made me some new snow boots so my feet won't get cold again. I am looking good NOW!!!

Shadow's snow boots made from fleece with ultra suede pad on the bottom. I have found that they do twist a bit when he walks. As you can see on one of his front feet the ultra suede pad is showing. I have found it is how you wrap the Velcro that makes a difference in the twisting. A easy fix.

I have decided to go out to Hobby Lobby tomorrow and get some more fleece and a few more supplies and make him another pair as well as a pair or two for Kayla. I might see if I can find another pattern for dog snow boots. I really think his need to be longer on his legs. I also think that they need two pairs each to change them out. I do know that they do keep his feet quit dry.
All in all they worked for what I needed them for and he is still letting me put them on him to go outside. Success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow it will be Kayla's turn. I am thinking it is going to be a little bit harder with her. She is wanting to take off running with Shadow's while I am putting them on him. That's my girl! LOL Who knows she may just surprise me like Shadow did.
My little diva girl. :)
If anyone has any other ideas for me to try, please let me know.
Puppy Kisses and Bear Hugs,
Adorable Sheryl. How about vinyl with a fleece lining. That would keep them both dry and warm.
Poor Shadow! I'm SO glad that the booties worked.
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